but often I am taken with
random photos of beautiful things.
I may have seen these objects in person,
but the photos remind me and
continue to captivate me.
This set is a lot more
like how I might collect in person.
I never shop for just one room,
but for each piece.
but for each piece.
It must be special.
So the thread that holds this set together
is that it's inspired by the blogs I follow.
Ten new objects
(technically 13)
for nearly anywhere in your sims home.
Art Deco Bakelite Radio & 50s Record Player
(***each has two files - you'll need to choose if you'd rather it with or without 'sound wave' animations
Radio has three tiling options, record player has three record styles plus 'blank' version)
Radio has three tiling options, record player has three record styles plus 'blank' version)
Modern Canopy Bed
(three presets with different tiling rates for the perfect fit with your favorite patterns)
Rail Line Pallet Coffee Table
(two mask styles for distressed or clean, each with rail line stencil)
Acrylic Stool in Clear and Translucent, A Bunny Bentwood Chair
(Stools are recolorable, chair has three tiling options)
Rooster Mirror in two sizes, Swing Arm Wall Sconce in both directions,
Mid Century Modern Floor Lamp
(lamps have three masks each for coloring options, mirrors have distressed and clean versions)
OH YEAH, some art too.
You can see that in the pictures below.
(All images culled from blogs.)
To give you some ideas of what you can do with
this eclectic mix of things,
you can put them:
![]() |
In your kitchen |
![]() |
In your reading nook |
![]() |
At your Hipster Coffee Haus |
![]() |
In your precocious teen bedroom |
![]() |
In your eclectic bedroom |
![]() |
In your loft living room |
![]() |
In your dining room |
but it might help to complete one of them.
January 10, 2015 - The Funny Bunny Chair, the Art by Blog, the Rail Line Pallet Coffee Table, and the Swing Arm Wall Sconces have all been converted to TS2 by m0xxa - you can find them here!
Some notes on the set:
I cannot stress enough - choose which radio / record player you want and recycle the other.
If you prefer the animations or not, only one of these files can be installed.
Installing both will create a conflict.
The mirrors are NOT shiftable. This can cause animation problems
and game crashes. I am considering re-releasing every mirror as a decor only item
for the ability to shift. If you want this item to be shiftable, you take responsibility alone.
This set was extensively tested by some very kind people:
I'd like to thank Jen, Sandy, Laure, & Dee for their time and input.
Your observations were invaluable and made this set significantly better.
DoublePlus Thanks to Sandy for help on the bed and radio [animations and vexing glass!]
Thank you to Heidi for her tutorials on the bed and the patience to not call me a nitwit
If you would like the full story on these objects you can read about that here.
CC Objects:
Picture 7: Plant: Exotic Elements / Wall Cabinets: HolySimoly
Picture 8: Chair: Murano / Side Table: Exotic Elements / Books: Aikea / Antlers: MK
Picture 9: Table: D3VV / Cabinet: Easthaven
Picture 10: Plates: LPVinyl21 / Bed: ShinoKCR / Hunky Heroes Posters: Migolia /
Artwork: LemonJelly / Union Jack Rug, Artwork: AlexPilgrim / Ceiling Light: Exotic Elements / Plant: Simply Styling
Picture 11: Plant: ATS3 / End Table: Exotic Elements
Picture 12: Both Sofas: Exotic Elements / Table Lamps: DOT / Glass Doors: Angela
Picture 13: Yellow Chair: D3VV / Ghost Chair: EyRT96 / Table: Exotic Elements
Amazing set as usual!:D Just love all your creations. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI almost fell out of my seat from seeing this Amazing set lol!!!
Thank you for sharing! ^_^
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bed, the mirror, the lamps, and about everything else! You have such a knack for changing aged oddities into sought after items! I haven't opened the game in so long but today might just be the day. Thanks Bau!
ReplyDeleteHey Bau
ReplyDeleteIt´s always the best when you come up with new stuff. You are my topfavorite cc-artist for sure!
But sadly my virusprotection won´t let me download this set. It says that a trojan has been added.
I´m afraid I have no idea what to do about that except not downloading. But I thought you might want to know?
Best regards
Mette S (windowtomysims3.blogspot.com)
Thanks everyone - I took so much time away that this set was really a labor of love!
ReplyDeleteMigolia - I have to tell you that the hunky hero posters you created are so awesome in that teen bedroom! We need to see more from you!
mette s - Thank you for bringing this to my attention. If I understand what is happening correctly, you are getting an alert just going to the download page and not in trying to open the downloaded zip. I use NOD32 which is a top rated anti-virus and it is updated multiple times a day.
I have received this message myself at MediaFire when attempting to download from other artists, so I just went to MediaFire just now and downloaded my own sets with no problems. That is not to say that your antivirus is incorrect. There could be a virus embedded into the page (I learned this can happen by doing a google search) or (because I didn't get the warning) I have a theory as to what is happening. MediaFire is HORRIBLE with pop up ads and aggressive scripts that redirect or open new windows/tabs. I not only have popups blocked, but I also use a app called Ghostery (works on all the major browsers) that blocks a lot of malicious attacks on my computer. It's completely free (and not without a few setbacks such as it's SO good, it blocks me from paying my utilities and bills online unless I turn it off temporarily or you can 'allow' certain sites et cetera). Between these three things, I seldom have problems with MediaFire anymore.
I am uploading the set again to the following addresses (and links have been updated just in case):
Package Files: http://www.mediafire.com/?h9pef5ai2sy6l7t
Sim3Pack Files: http://www.mediafire.com/?fs6pytlissc9y8r
If you still have problems, you can possibly try getting the set through a different browser, waiting and seeing if you are still getting this warning a little later [over 600 sets have been downloaded so far] OR I see in your links at your blog that you are at BPS - you can email me there, or LivingSims, or TheSimsDaily and I will email you the set directly. I am in and out during the weekend with the dogs and running errands, but I will be as quick as I can.
I have gotten several "We can't open this because it's incomplete" messages with the first links. The one above gives me "Safari can't find this stie."
ReplyDeleteWill try with another browser. Sometimes Safari is wonky that way.
aye yi yi. There have been 83 more downloads since yesterdays link change and I added two more to that number this morning. The files are there, but that's not to say that MediaFire isn't foolproof. Their interface has changed dramatically recently and I am sure with ad technology (their main revenue for these free sites) they tinker with their coding daily. I am uploading these yet again and am changing the URL with a note. I need someone to follow up though - this is as frustrating for me as I know it is for anyone experiencing this.
ReplyDeleteI am not even sure who now to consider going with that would host free and easy to use like MediaFire. Box has download limits and those limits are met quickly and I'll just be honest here - I can't afford to pay a site to host this stuff. Still looking for a job in the 'STILL in the midst of this recession' ATL.
Finally got it using Opera. I would guess that there was so much animation and crap on the MediaFire page that it just wouldn't do it. Opera evidently makes it possible to turn off all the stuff, and it finally got it, mostly because I never used that browser before. Now I get to go to all the pain and agony of switching browsers.....
ReplyDeleteThank you for the follow-up. I feel your pain I use FireFox myself and honestly - I am shaking my fist at the sky almost daily with them (I think it was three months ago we were at 4.0 and now I have 10.something). I even had to return to IE for a spell just to view a few websites and in attempts to find an alternative I examined Chrome and found it utterly backwards. Browsers are rapidly trying to keep up with the latest programming. I am a huge fan of HTML basic . . . it's pretty hard to screw up.
ReplyDeleteI used to think new software was such fun, and now I just want whatever I use to work like whatever I used to use, just BETTER. No such luck. Opera is weird, and I agree with you about Chrome. Safari is the Mac browser, and I like it fine, but Mediafire is going to have to do something....you certainly shouldn't have to pay for us to download your fabulous stuff, and I'm too cheap to pay to download ANYTHING....so they're just going to have to get with the program. Have you noticed that nowadays you have to pay for just about ANYTHING you do on the Internet? It can add up.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, so nice of you to be that helpful.
ReplyDeleteWell, after having read this whole discussion I hurried to install Firefox again, and with that I can download with no problems at all. So I´m happy for now. That being said, I have a tiny devil on my one shoulder whispering in my ear, that I sound pretty naive :-D
Aw mette s - not at all! It's crazy how quickly things are changing online. Between new technologies that are too advanced for the average computer, companies in the pocket of government trying to pass bills, and individuals trying to hack our lives and infect our computers - it's a wonder we can get online at all. Sadly, most of 'online' is trial by fire.
ReplyDeleteI am really glad that you've been able to download the set - I appreciate that you pointed out you were having trouble. There is no way to know how many people had the same thing happen to them and remained quiet. I am considering a new alternative to the downloads which would avoid MediaFire all together!
Gorgeous new set and I fell immediately in love with the Art Deco Bakelite Radio and 50s record Player.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! ^_^
So cool to see it published! Big thumbs up!
ReplyDeleteAs for Mediafire, the virus is indeed on a pop-up page that pops up the second you click the download link but your files are a-okay! :-)
Thank you both!
ReplyDeleteDarkling I could not resist that radio when I saw the picture of it! I actually miss my old bakelite radio that lit up when you turned it on :( Can't hold on to everything forever . . . unless you have a pyramid.
Deelightful Thank you for testing and all the wonderful feedback! Thanks too - that mediafire thing was becoming a total bummer . . . I may be switching my downloads to Heidi's FTP (the pets update has me a little shy of a whole site update again!)
Wait a minute....I hadn't heard the word "virus" used in connection with the Mediafire thing. Is there really a virus? Am I safe downloading....if I can get it to download?
ReplyDeleteWhere you've already stated you got my file to download via Opera, I am guessing that your question is actually 'If I can get any file to download from MediaFire, is it safe from virus'?' The quick answer is NO.
ReplyDeleteRead all the comments above as 'virus' is how this even got started. mette s was having an alert show from her anti-virus when she clicked the link to get to MediaFire. Hence, I changed the link just in case the page itself had a virus embedded into it. More probable was that one of the ads that popped up had a virus attached to it.
Look - I am absolutely not an expert, but pretty much if you are using the internet you are exposing yourself to a whole slew of unsavory things. Everyone should be using anti-virus software - one that is updated at the very least daily and hopefully more often than that.
Yes, we Mac users until very recently were pretty smug because we almost never got viruses. I gather that has changed, and I downloaded virus software, but it wreaks havoc with my game and other things I do....
ReplyDeleteNo accusation meant, all you can do is the best you can do...and I of course read the thread, I just forgot. Ah, the elderly...
For anyone having issue with the Mediafire pop-ups/virus warnings, I've found the best thing is to right-click. It's fool proof and has made downloading stuff easier. I right-click the download and select open, and it always works, unlike those cases where you'd click it and the download would never come up. And right-click also eliminates the pop-ups. I've never had a single one while right-clicking.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all these new goodies, Bau! You're one of three special creators to earn a collection category in my game :P
Thank you Tucumcari's Silent Singer - that is a great suggestion! And thank you - that is so nice of you to tell me I get a collection unto myself!
ReplyDeletewhere is the screen in photo 1 that the rooster mirror is against from? It is amazing!
ReplyDeleteIt's part of this set here: http://www.b-5studio.com/2011/06/like-corners-of-my-mind.html
ReplyDeleteGenerally speaking, unless it is credited, it's an official item or something made and available at this site.
Just FYI, the first music set was yanked off Mediafire for copyright issues. If you can't upload it anywhere else, could you let us know what the tracks were?
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, I've noticed that Mediafire doesn't seem to be able to snoop inside RAR files, just zips.
I can't replicate your results. I can see there is a note added to the file that it is 'copyrighted' but it still freely allows me to download this. If there is some sort of infringement, I am unaware of it - they have not reached out to me and these are crackly old 45s so if there is some sort of problem - I own the crackle as it is unique to my playing. These are recordings of crackled vinyl. Any incidental music that is included is unavoidable.